U.S. Shooting Team
Balance, Strength and Stability Workout
Competition Warm-Up
Modified by Dan Durben and Sommer Wood November 2006 from the program originally developed by Amber Darland for the USA Shooting National Rifle Team
**Exercises should be performed to the maximum extension/contraction
***To download a .pdf version of this file click here.
Static Back
Starting position: Lie on back with legs bent 90 degrees at the knees and lower legs resting on a chair, palms of hands up.
Action: Breathe deeply and relax. 5 minutes
Static Back Splits
Starting Position: Lie on back with both hips and knees bent at 90 degree angles so that your lower legs are held out as if resting on a chair.
Action: Bring knees and feet together, then spread knees and feet apart. Repeat back and forth.
15 reps
Starting position: Lie on back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Extend arms straight above chest and interlace fingers.
Action: Keeping arms straight, lower hands toward floor above your head and then back toward your waist. Repeat back and forth.
15 reps
Lower Spinal Floor Twist
Starting position: Lie on back with left leg straight and resting on the floor. Bring your right knee up so that your hip and knee are both bent at 90 degree angles.
Action: Keeping your right arm flat on the floor palm up, grab your right knee with your left hand and pull it across your body toward the floor and hold. Repeat on other leg. Hold 30 seconds on each leg
Cats & Dogs
Starting Position: On hands and knees with hands under shoulders and knees under hips.
Action: Arch back up and pull chin to chest while breathing out. While breathing in, lower back toward floor and raise head to look up. Repeat back and forth. 10 reps
Dog Push-Ups:
Starting Position: On hands and knees with hands slightly forward of shoulders and wider than shoulders, knees under hips.
Action: Bend arms, drop chest straight down between hands and back up. Repeat up and down. 10 reps
Downward Dog
Starting position: On hands and knees with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Curl toes under feet.
Action: Straighten legs by lifting knees off the floor, pressing heels toward the floor, and raising hips toward the ceiling creating an arch. Keep thighs tight, press chest toward legs and hold.
Hold for 30 seconds
Kneeling Clappers:
Starting Position: Kneel with hips directly over knees, arms straight in front of chest, palms together.
Action: Sweep arms straight back keeping them at shoulder level as far as they will go, pinching shoulder blades together. Then return and repeat. 20 reps
Spread Foot Squats:
Starting Position: Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width.
Action: Bend knees and squat as far as comfortable, keep shoulders over hips and knees behind toes. 10 reps
Spread Foot Glides
Starting position: Stand and spread legs apart, as far as you can comfortably go while keeping your toes pointed forward. Bend over with your arms hanging straight down.
Action: Keeping your left leg straight, bend you right leg while gliding to the right, as if you are sitting back into a chair. Then switch, smoothly gliding to the left by straightening the right leg and bending the left leg. Alternate side to side. 15 reps
Forward Hang
Starting position: Stand with feet shoulder width apart.
Action: Bend over at waist and hang, let arms and head relax down. Hold and then roll up to starting position. Hold 30 seconds