by Jim Edmundson

The FWB300S is perhaps the most popular classic match air rifle ever made, yet the Walther’s LGR is comparable and somewhat under appreciated. Compared to the FWB 300S the LGR is:
- Newer technology: FWB recoilless springer vs. LGR as a single stroke pneumatic
- Cheaper to maintain — Champions Choice has parts and does reseal for ~$70.00 vs. $150.00 for FWB 300’s.
- Faster lock time and no recoil to enhance accuracy capability (the LGR broke all the world records once held by the FWB300’s)
- Superb two-stage trigger with detent/incremental adjustability not featured on the FWB300S, Diana 75 or Anschutz LG-380.
- Available in beech or walnut stocks (many with figure).
- Greater flexibility to suit individual shooters due to the removable AND moveable muzzle weight — FWB300S is epoxied to barrel shroud.
- Easiest to scope of all the classic match air rifles with its forward breech location and removable front sight if needed.
- No hassles worrying about recoil effects on scopes (there is no recoil with the LGR).
- Bluing, fit and finish on par with Feinwerkbau and Anschutz.
Is the LGR better then the FWB300S, Anschutz LG 380, Diana 75 — no! But the others are certainly no better then the Walther’s LGR … they are all classic match air rifles.
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